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Composition Dolls31 of 24520" Arranbee Composition Nancy Lee Doll c. 1940s as Rosie the RiveterPlease help me identify this doll
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (11 items)

    My aunt gave me this doll today she is paper then arms and legs appear to be rubber bands or string Is so fragile I’m afraid to even touch her I don’t know if the clothes are original they seem like they might be any help on identifying her would be great she also seems to have a voice box on the

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    1. Manikin Manikin, 7 years ago
      She is made of composition and not that fragile you can handle her :-) Hard to see by photo upside down but has all the looks of a Italian flirty eye doll from around 1950's era . The term flirty eyes means her eyes move side to side like they could follow you . French also made this type of doll. I can't see her body but would imagine it has a voice box in stomach . Look at her back and also on back of neck for markings telling which of several companies made this type doll
      Here is a example and similar. I assure you you can handle her :-) The composition is very light weight and feels thin but is stronger than you think .
    2. Manikin Manikin, 7 years ago
      Often these older dolls have to be restrung with elastic as it can rot over time . So if her arms and legs are loose she will need new elastic which any doll person should know how to do .

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