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Vintage medical tools in leather case

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (261 items)

    Hi everyone! I picked up this vintage medical kit before Christmas. I love unique and oddities. Anyone know what it might of been used for? Some of the tools are marked USA and others are Germany. The snaps on the front of the leather case say, ADAMS U.S.A. the inside of the case is felt material. I found out the shepherds hook tool. Was used as a catheter. Yikes imagine that! I'm not sure what to list this as. thanks.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 7 years ago
      I'm wanting to say small kits like this were passed out amongst pairs of students in my high-school biology class (decades ago!) when we "dissected" things. (plant stem, earthworm, frog, etc.)

      Do they still even *do* that in schools these days??
    2. Lamplover78 Lamplover78, 7 years ago
      Ha ha! Yes they still do that now days. Except it's one thing. And the teacher is the only one to touch it. And the tools! Maybe a liability now. This tool set seems to be mismatched of the tools. And prolly missing some.
    3. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 7 years ago
      Actually Lamplover -- the 'mismatch/missing-ness' of the set is *exactly* what made me think of biology class (I haven't done that for a long time?!) because the sets we used (pre-liability, I suppose...?) were exactly the same way. Pieces constantly tended to 'go missing'/get broken/etc., and replacements (of whatever provenance happened to be laying in the supply closet that year) would get rotated in, when needed.
    4. Lamplover78 Lamplover78, 7 years ago
      Yes makes sense. them darn kids always losing or stealing thanks I bet that's exactly what this set is from.

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