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Unkown think Venitian glass sugurplum silver foil bowl

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (123 items)

    I think this is an early piece of Italian / Venetian art glass.
    The Silver foil glass ( Agentan glass ?) has green glass branch handle and leaves as well as delightful sugar plums. It stands 7 1/2" tall and 7" wide
    Hand made .
    Any Ideas as to maker??
    I'm thinking it is from around 1900 ??

    Closest Ive come so for is Salviati but would like some reference if You have it ??

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    1. Trey Trey, 7 years ago
      Beautiful :)
    2. sklo42 sklo42, 7 years ago
      Lovely shape, gorgeous texture!
    3. AdeleC AdeleC, 7 years ago
      Do you know if the green is uranium glass?
    4. MacArt MacArt, 7 years ago
      exquizit piece, congrats on a find! what's the bottom like? it wouldn't be surprising to me if it was Bohemian too
    5. ozmarty ozmarty, 7 years ago
      Hi MacArt , thank you . I have added a photo of the base . I had thought Bohemian then I bought it . It does look like Argentan Just can not find another . in many hours searching ..
    6. ozmarty ozmarty, 7 years ago
      Forgot to add has a pontil mark
    7. MacArt MacArt, 7 years ago
      it's really by the little things you have to judge what it most likely is, because general style of it is like something both the Bohemians and Venetians would do.

      But the difference is how would they finish it, Bohemians would grind out and polish pontil mark, Venetians either fast fire polish or just brake it of, Bohemians most likely would cut and grind the rims of the bottom and top piece, Venetians would likely fire polish them, and now I see there's gold on the fruit, that's more characteristic to Venetians, Bohemians would more likely iridised it.

      so this is my thinking out loud... now I too lean more towards Venetians on this... in which case without good match or signature it will be impossible to tell who is it by, because they have like a gazillion of brilliant masters.
    8. ozmarty ozmarty, 7 years ago
      Thanks MacArt .. so I'm still in the Venetian camp too ..
    9. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 7 years ago
      a wonderful addition to your great collection
    10. ozmarty ozmarty, 7 years ago
      Hi AdelC , sorry for delayed response . No the green does not
      glow :(
    11. ozmarty ozmarty, 7 years ago
      Thanks kivatinitz , still can not find another or the maker with lots of searching ...
    12. vetraio50 vetraio50, 6 years ago
    13. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 2 years ago
      Ozmarty I want to send you a happy new year 2023 such a long time....

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