Posted 7 years ago
(906 items)
These are ostensibly yellow with white stripes and clear rigaree......not a décor I've seen before on this type of vase. However the cut rim discloses four layers, yellow, amber, white stripes and a clear outer casing. The same spiral rim (in terms of the marks left by the crimping tool) can be found on another vase I own. I thought this vase would turn out to be the same shape as the one pictured with it in image four. Once the basic body of the two could be directly compared the height actually is the same, but the yellow one is more slender overall! So this pair remain a mystery awaiting further developments, alas!
Maybe it's the amber glass that gives these so much depth. They are quite lovely and surprisingly complex Peggy.
Now all I need is the last piece in the puzzle!!!
Nice find. I've not seen yellow before either. Lovely
Thank you vintagefran, it's the stripes I like!