Posted 7 years ago
(3485 items)
Earier I posted a 2 Handed Saw which was a under the brand name Superior made by Disston. This time it is an actual Disston saw with a Disston badge. The badge on this one was used from 1917-1940 so it is into the antique area. It has 21" blade although that depends on where it is measured. Have not determined what model it is.
Last photo shows a close up of the badge.
Hey FortApache after Vancouver Jack White has 3 shows in Santa Barbara,San Francisco and San Diego mid August if you're interested.
Great saw!! It now makes me want to go to my Mom's and check out the hand saws in my Dad's old workshop. He had a few in there, if they haven't been carried away by my siblings by now.
Ahhhhh I remember seeing many of these saws at flea markets and antique stores. Brings back memories. I noticed the Keen Kutter saws are quite hard to find. I would think they would be common but apparently Disston was the most successful brand.
Fortapache my last two posts are gone. Do you know what may have happened to them?
I have a couple newer Disston saws but haven't used them in years. My other saws have the starter tooth on the top of the blade. Taken care of they last a lifetime.
nutsabotas6 That is the reason I haven't used mine. One day I imagine someone will throw them away or wonder what they are.
Thank you very much Caperkid. I shall keep those in mind.
Thank you very much Scott. I forgot to mention the brass fittings.
Thank you very much Thomas.
Thank you very much McCoyNelson. I am not finding Keen Kutter anywhere.
Sorry I don't know why your posts were deleted. It happens now and then for whatever reason. Just keep posting.
Thank you very much fhrjr2. This one has lasted at least 78 years and was not all that well cared for. I cleaned it up a bit.
Thank you very much nutsabotas6. These are for looking at now.
Thank you
Thank you PhilDMorris.
Thank you SEAN68.