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1957 Coca-Cola Hanging Mobile Sign

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Designer's loves1408 of 3255Coca-Cola  Porcelain Lollipop Sign with the Coca-Cola baseCycle Wizard ‘A’ Self-Casing Camera. 1901
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (148 items)

    A relatively low cost theater sign that's loads of fun to look at in action. Picked this up off an eBay bid auction for less than a hundred.

    Excellent condition is a little less so than when received. My first hanging wasn't secure enough with a nail. It fell one night and is a little worse for the wear. But not too bad. Had to screw it in on the second try, which has held thus far.

    The mobile is hanging in the Coke Cave bedroom by a ceiling register, so it moves when the heat comes on (which is FREQUENTLY here in Michigan!). I've napped a few times watching it... fell asleep like a baby in his crib. :0)

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    1. purvis purvis, 7 years ago
      Great piece of coke advertising . Paper advertising I think is over looked . I look for paper advertising all the time and It’s a little cheaper then metal signs , but a lot harder to find in good shape .
    2. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 7 years ago
      Thanks purvis. I like the metal signs best, but try to mix in a few of other materials as well. Paper, cardboard, Masonite, glass, etc. There are some great old paper signs and you're right, they were intended to only be used for a short time then discarded, so they are scarcer.

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