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Kookaburra, Boomerang and Snake

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Hood Ornaments37 of 1651953 DeSoto Light Up Hood OrnamentMysterious Hood Ornament
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (1 item)

    Ive been trying to find out about a brass object I have inherited. It came from my dad who was a boomerang enthusiast and either bought this on his travels or was given it by another boomerang nut. So ive no idea which country its from. The small amount of research I have done lead to the royal 7th div Queensland or the RACQ but neither are quite like this. Im not even sure its for a car but it certainly looks like it. I was wondering if anyone has ever come across one of these. Hope anyone can help as its one of those things that really bugs me every now and then.

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    1. slackjack, 7 years ago
      I cannot add information to your search, but I am sure it is a radiator mascot. I would be proud to put that on my 1929 Pierce Arrow. I have never seen the like or I'd have one now.
    2. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      They made the bird separate as a mascot. this is not a regular market item but made for the hot mascot market on todays internet ebay market.
    3. Johnsmith Johnsmith, 7 years ago
      I believe this mascot is the real deal. May very well be a one of a kind since some were personal statements made to ones automobile. Great piece and thanks for sharing!
    4. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      Yes it is a real deal copy of the bird, no one of a kind.
    5. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      Also the base would be threaded if it was real.
    6. Rudefuss, 3 years ago
      Many thanks and apologies for the delay of said thanks. I completely forgot I had posted here till I saw it on the shelf.
      Slack Jack, thank for looking, I may trade you for a spin in the Arrow,
      Phil, it's been in the family since before home pcs, if you mean it's a recent mockup.
      John, thanks for the info, I think you are right. I'm digging into the boomerang world to see if anyone recognises it.
      I'll share any info I get. Promise.
      Many thanks again.

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