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Vaseline Glass Toothpick Holder With Swans Westmoreland Glass 1982-1984

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (3472 items)

    I had forgotten about this piece and had not taken a good look at it. Turns out to be an interesting piece as each of the three handles is a swan neck and head. In photo 3 the swan wings can clearly be seen. Looks like reeds and cat tails in the background.
    On the underside is the Westmoreland mark which is a W superimposed on a G. I should have gotten a photo of that. Perhaps later I can add that. That maker's mark was used from 1949-1984. The company was sold for $75,000 in 1984 which what a tract home would cost at the time. A rather sad end to a fine company. I fear that happened to many of the companies for the items we collect.
    Wrapping it up with a shot of all four of my Vaseline glass toothpick holders. I think this one is my favorite.

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    1. TallCakes TallCakes, 7 years ago
      nice toothpick : ) WG first introduced their #115 Swan in Rushes/late Swan/Three Swans around c1905.
    2. courtenayantiques courtenayantiques, 7 years ago
      sweet piece! Love your group shot
    3. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Great collection
    4. racer4four racer4four, 7 years ago
      That glows so hard it hurts.
      Gorgeous swan motif.
    5. MALKEY MALKEY, 7 years ago
      gorgeous glow the form reminiscent of sowerbys of gateshead british isles swan vases first class fortapache
    6. betweenthelens betweenthelens, 7 years ago
      Really beautiful color/glow and swan motif.
    7. fortapache fortapache, 7 years ago
      Thank you very much TallCakes and some good info.
    8. fortapache fortapache, 7 years ago
      Thank you very much courtenayantiques.
    9. fortapache fortapache, 7 years ago
      Thank you very much Newfld.
    10. fortapache fortapache, 7 years ago
      Thank you very much racer4four. The swans are quite nice.
    11. fortapache fortapache, 7 years ago
      Thank you very much MALKEY. Very kind of you.
    12. fortapache fortapache, 7 years ago
      And thank you very much betweenthelens.
    13. fortapache fortapache, 7 years ago
      Thank you

    14. fortapache fortapache, 7 years ago
      Thank you
    15. fortapache fortapache, 7 years ago
      Thank you KKK.
    16. fortapache fortapache, 7 years ago
      Thank you SEAN68.
    17. fortapache fortapache, 7 years ago
      Thank you
    18. kwqd kwqd, 7 years ago
      I have it in milk glass.. I've always liked these toothpicks. Very classy.

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