Posted 7 years ago
(559 items)
I don't have a lot of pre war Japanese glass as Australia was not a big importer from Japan until the 1950s. The few I have are mainly from the US.
This group are all identified as Japanese either by an imprinted Japan on the base, or an acid mark Japan. I am not sure if one or the other means an age thing, or if they came from different makers.
The first group shows some blueish vases that could be mistaken for Czech glass, with their inner white case, spatter and moulded bodies. Three have cut rim, a feature that was not used in Japan a lot, and was generally limited to this early export glass. The smaller vase has a flame finished rim.
Of the next two, I have posted the white/orange peloton vase before. The little green/white vase has an interesting moulded shape, and unlike the others is quite thick, mainly because of it's clear outer case.
The last orange vase is a shape I have seen also produced in green and blue. The black foot is not uncommon in Meiji and Early Showa glass, and the streaked colour and the moulded shape work really well I think.
I have some other pre war glass from Japan. I'll try and post it sooner rather than later.
what a fabilus myriad colours to add sparkle to the morn & cheery on the day super duper karen !!!!!!!!
All vases so gorgeous and colors spectacular, I love the central two in 1st pic w/ color splashes that remind me of confetti
So much you must know to collect glass, you are a wonderful collector !~
This is such an interesting post! Many of these vases have a Czech style to them. I have two small vases with the black applied foot on the final vase & both have techniques that look very Czech - pulled loops with green aventurine & opalescent with an applied flower. No markings, but I am now very sure they are Japanese.
Interesting! I would have never guessed these are Japanese.
Learning something new every day :)
Wonderful collection.
Thanks Karen - super post. You beat me to this - I'll do a follow-up shortly.
Love that orange one!
Thanks Malkey. Nice to cheer your day :)
Jenni they have a lovely bright spatter. I like the orange/blue mix. Thanks for your love!
Phil, I blush! Glass is a big subject, and even my little corner is a murky place for me. Thanks for making me feel good!!
They sound interesting Iron lace, and it would be great to see them. Some Czech glass has been found to be Japanese, some Japanese glass actually European. The style crossover can be big, particularly for these early years.
CW helps us all learn Anik, that's a good thing! Thanks!
Harry I always enjoy seeing your early glass, and stealing your knowledge lol!
Looking forward to your post.
They're all very nice Karen, but the white/orange peloton vase, in pic #2, is my favorite.
Thanks Scott! Orange is always a good call.
I like it too Thomas. Lovely to hear from you.
Ken they certainly did use the Czech aesthetic at this time. Glad you like them.
Have posted my vases today...
I would never say they are Japan and yet they are.
Ivonne they were good at following fashion!! Many thanks.
There all beautiful.
Thanks Jim.