Posted 14 years ago
(8 items)
My brother gave me this book, when he use to doing book binding. He purchased it when I was little. There is a signature and message To Miss Mary (?) Bergey compliments of her friend (Chap or Chas Sterk PW?) can not make out the fancy lettering. Inside the book it says GRANT Delivered by Rev Miller Hageman, Grant Birthday Association, of New York, April 27, 1884. It is original copy, no copy rights. Does anyone have any information about this book?
sorry AR8Jason the year is wrong i type the wrong date. Thank you for letting me know. i will change it.
I do know this was given to the civil war vets after Grant died.
I checked out your site and you do have a nice collection.....
I love the civil war items because my great-grandfather was in Civil War..I have his military records. Cobbs Legion.