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Antique Platform Wooden Rocking Chair

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (2 items)

    I got this chair as a gift from a friend who he got from a local antique store. It looks very unique. I’ve never seen one like it but I couldn’t find the maker or the date it was made. I need help with some info on it
    If anyone knows anything about please help
    Thank you

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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      Possibly 1940's as it looks colonial style, though on the net that word seems less used as people do not use books. There were thousands of furniture makers around during the 40's to 50's and those numbers have dwindled. Most furnitue makers like about 98% left no records at all, so unless there is a label they are impossible to positively attribute to a maker. The best thing may be to go to your local history room in your library to see if you can find ads for makers in your area.
    2. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      Old colonial style was popular in Hollywood esp during the 40's to 50's and I have seen a lot of photos with similar chairs to them.
    3. TomSawyer TomSawyer, 7 years ago
      Than you Phil, that was some great info and I have a starting point now.
    4. inocabvi, 6 years ago
      My mother had this chair in the 50's. There were also a number of cottages on Cape Cod that had this style of furniture. This chair is a glider and is so comfortable. I have been looking for one of these for quite a while. I don't know who the maker is. Sorry I couldn't help with that. Love it though.
    5. Houssem Houssem, 4 years ago
      I have one look on my picture

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