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Costume Brooches918 of 2538Brooch - Marked CERRITOShamrock and wishbone brooch
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (708 items)

    1 1/2" × 2"
    Floral Brooch
    Brass and some type of shell.
    I have no clue on what type of flower this is suppose to be.....maybe a type of lily?
    I wonder if this was handmade? Or did someone just add pin back to the piece to make into a brooch at a later time.
    Thrifstore find for $1.25 before tax.
    I love the unusual.

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    1. melaniej melaniej, 7 years ago
      Could it be mother of pearl?
    2. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 7 years ago
      It is interesting. Pretty sure it's abalone. And it's got hte c clasp on the back for the pin so I'm thinking it's quite old or like you said, hand made by someone, the shape of the bale suggests that to me anyway. It's pretty though.
    3. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 7 years ago
      HA! I guess that's not even a bale!!! Honestly, everything is on the blurry side to me but I can see the color.
    4. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 7 years ago
      Hi again Melanie. This was bothering me - the MOP vs Abalone so I looked it up. They are one in the same... why the different names, I have no idea! Seems that Paua is the same as well. Sometimes the internet can confuse more than answer correctly. Sooo. this is what I found on that subject:

      Mother of Pearl is a layer of lines inside the shells of molluscs. Also known as Nacre, the Mother of Pearl is a shining layer that forms inside the shell. Abalone and pearl oysters are known as good source of Mother of Pearl.
    5. antiquerose antiquerose, 7 years ago
      ~ Beautiful ~ !! ~
    6. melaniej melaniej, 7 years ago
      you taught me something I didn't know....they are one in the same.
      explains how one would get confused.

      Thank you

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