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Victorian Primrose Pearline glass salt by George Davidson of Gateshead

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Vaseline Glass299 of 852Vaseline glassVaseline Uranium Covered Dish Hand Painted signed “A’’
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (949 items)

    This salt in Primrose Pearline glass dates from 1891, & was manufactured by George Davidson of Gateshead. It measures 4 cm tall, 6 cm across the scalloped top rim, & 5 cm across the footed base. It is marked on the inside with Rd. 176566, which dates it to 1891. It contains uranium & glows brightly under UV light as can be seen in the fourth image.
    This was a lucky cheap find & my first ever piece of Primrose Pearline. A classic example of Victorian pressed glass & oh so British!

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    1. MALKEY MALKEY, 7 years ago
      fresh evening primroses what could be better late morn
      picking them now you would be in trouble
      how lucky we have these salts
      picked a pair up from a charity shop many moons ago
      looking up from gateshead this morn what lovely reminder of past & present
      wonderburg piece my friend ironlace !!!!!!!!
    2. IronLace IronLace, 7 years ago
      Many thanks, MALKEY for your delightful musings as always...thought you'd enjoy this one...

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