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Sagen Goddess Pendant/Pin

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (708 items)

    Offerings Jewelry by Sajen

    Crowned Goddess Pendant/Pin
    Multi Gemstone
    3 1/4"
    Marked SaJen 925

    I had to have her because of her Purple face....Amethyst is my birthstone.
    Her crown is Paua shell.

    Photos taken with and w/o flash. I will add a second post later with add'l pictures and mark.

    designed by Marianna and Richard Jacobs
    their story can be read at below link;

    There is a small Pawn Shop near my house but they never put out silver jewelry.....sometime back I asked the owner about why there is no silver jewelry displayed/for sale. She said "it doesn't sell and no one wants it" I had to enlighten her that there is buyers for silver and especially older pieces like "Native American Jewelry". To my surprise I stopped in there yesterday and she had put out some and older pieces.
    Told them I was glad to see the silver jewelry out and for sale and I will be back to see what other treasures she puts out in the future.
    I took off the pendant that was on my necklace and replaced it with her after leaving the pawn shop continued on to second hand stores and to lunch....she got so many beautiful comments. People even stopped me to ask about her. I have to get a ring to match.

    She needs a name now.....maybe Antheia
    Goddess of gardens, flowers, swamps, and marshes.

    Happy Hunting

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      She has a beautifully carved amethyst face, and the paua shell crown is gorgeous - lovely & exotic
    2. melaniej melaniej, 7 years ago
      Jenni thank you for love and comment.
    3. MALKEY MALKEY, 7 years ago
      simply a masterpiece with super story enigmatic to me lovely melaniej
      thanks for sharing so much just great !!!!!!!!
    4. racer4four racer4four, 7 years ago
      Wow, she is a beauty, and amethyst is a favourite of mine. Gorgeous, and well pursued Melanie!
    5. melaniej melaniej, 7 years ago
      Karen thank you for the lovely comment

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