Posted 7 years ago
(497 items)
I got this rather nice Wedgwood Jasperware Vase online last week. It is Wedgwood Jasperware in the Cobalt blue colour and is decorated with some Muses. I must say, I thought there was a bit broken of one of the Muses because her arm is in a really weird position, but after extensive research I did find 2 vases with the same Muse on them! My vase is missing the base, which should have been bolted on (I found a pic of one with the base in my Wedgwood Book -see last pic!). I suspect it will be almost impossible to find a replacement base, but I will keep my eyes open. There are no marks on the vase, they were probably on the base, but I think it dates to around 1900.
Outstanding vase Adele!
a classical piece of splendour
fabilus adele you must over the moon
thanks for sharing
Pure classicism. It's a beauty Adele.