Posted 14 years ago
(104 items)
Here's a fun item I doubt many have encountered.... About the size of a credit card, it was given to my wife by a friend a few years ago knowing she likes this kind of stuff. Not sure exactly where it came from, but it is old and (we have no reason not to assume) authentic. The individual 'STOP' tabs are perforated.
Our suspicion is that these were given to early-day female bus riders or perhaps to Ladies of Means when hiring a town car for the purpose of preserving their dignity when nature came calling.
I guess gentlemen were just supposed to hold it in, ya figure?
Anybody seen the like and know more about it?
this is a total hoot -- love it!!!! reminds me of those hall pink passes we had to request in high school for such necessary sundries
Glad someone finally appreciated this example of the weirdness we accumulated over the years. Thanks for the luv!
i could have used that card about three days ago when we were out camping when a little snake decided to chose the same tree to hide behind for our duty calls -- YIKES -- i like snakes but not when it comes to the privey and i'm pretty sure he felt the same
if we miss contact before the holidays -- wishing you the very best in this and the coming years in all of your endeavors