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Set of display cases

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (222 items)

    The first photo represents the new display cases that I just got from Hobby Lobby as per my post from a couple weeks ago when I set out looking for them since my source was depleted. Manikin found them for me and tho you cannot order from Canada, the company entered in a deal with me and I received them in April 11th, 2017. With 50% off, the items were half price so it paid for the shipping, tho shipping was cheap this time. The size I got was 16 x 20.
    Thanks again Mani for solving my problem !!
    The second photo shown I just got this in a powder blue also.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Glad you located the display cases you were looking for, your collection looks great in them - and isn't it a good feeling to know your precious stuff is protected & dust free. Those three Shermans in #2 & #3 Phil are BE-YOO-tiful!
    2. kyratango kyratango, 7 years ago
      Mani is a treasure as your pieces :-D
    3. Caperkid, 7 years ago
      And the jaw hits the floor, great pictures and collection.
    4. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 7 years ago
      The display cases are nice, your bracelet is gorgeous and your home is amazing!
    5. MALKEY MALKEY, 7 years ago
      mind blowing as per usual phild your passion always makes my mind race & your interior house is out of this world
      you have such good taste & ability to use to full extent in absolute splendour
      i want it all yes i know i can not have it l.o.l but i can always dream
      thank you great respect plus your jewellery display cabinets help from manikin fabilus
      thanks for sharing phild
      all the very best malkey
    6. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      Thanks Jenni for the support !~
    7. jscott0363 jscott0363, 7 years ago
      WOW!! The last pic is absolutely amazing looking Phil!
    8. betweenthelens betweenthelens, 7 years ago
      So glad you were able to procure the display boxes. The bracelet is just gorgeous as are your other pieces in the photos.
    9. Manikin Manikin, 7 years ago
      Oh wow I missed this post and I am so glad it all worked out so you could get your cases , Your amazing Sherman pieces deserve to be protected and displayed and now they can be , I love your case that you show filled in photo #1 :-) What a great friend you have been and glad I could help a little xoxo
    10. antiquerose antiquerose, 7 years ago
      Amazing Phil, totally amazing Pieces. Those display cases are Superb for you. Your home looks how I remember it -- Just an amazing display of wonder.

      You, your collections, and your home are totally PRICELESS !!

      Way to go Mani also, for finding those !!
    11. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 7 years ago
      Wow. I don't know what I'm more amazed with in the first photo! The table or the jewels! Nah...gotta be the gorgeous baby blues and pinks. And I'm so surprised that Hobby Lobby went ahead and sent them to you. That was very cool. I was told not long ago that they are going out of business here but I just don't see that happening!
    12. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 3 years ago
      Thank you's for all the loves from these kind people !~
    13. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 2 years ago
      Thanks again Manikin. You have helped me greatly several times over the years and so I value your friendship the most over the years !~

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