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Rare shaped trunk

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (1 item)

    Purchased this trunk/chest at a local store. The owner stated that she purchased it from a vendor at a market that stated they were European Gypsy trunks. I have never seen any trunk or chest shaped this way. It has no leather only iron and wood. She had two, I purchased both of Them! Would love to solve the mystery of this one.

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. jscott0363 jscott0363, 7 years ago
      I've seen a lot of trunks in my day, but this is the first of it's kind I've ever seen. This one is certainly puzzling to me. I do agree that this is not an American made trunk. I'm sure there are others, here on CW, that can help with this.
    2. Drill Drill, 7 years ago
      More than likely European, I have seen that shape before.
    3. Candi61999 Candi61999, 7 years ago
      Glad I'm not the only one. I saw one similar on Pintrest. It was tagged in the Cleavland Museum of Art as a Pony Express Chest, but I've never heard of a Pony Express carrier having to haul something that large. It wouldn't be very "express"! It is definately a puzzle.
    4. Candi61999 Candi61999, 6 years ago
      Still seeking answers for these chests. Mystery is not solved. Lol
    5. Karl-Fodor, 6 years ago
      Ezek a ládák hagyományosak azok között akik szekérrel járják a világot . Magyarországon szekérládának hívják , többnyire azok használták akik szekérrel jártak vásárokra ezekben a ládákban tartották az árujukat.
    6. Karl-Fodor, 6 years ago
      A Magyarországon használatos szekerek oldala nem függ?leges, a d?lésszöge megegyezik a láda oldalának d?lésszögével .
    7. Karl-Fodor, 6 years ago
    8. Karl-Fodor, 6 years ago
    9. Karl-Fodor, 6 years ago

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