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Daum Nancy 4 3/4" Art Nouveau Vase w/ Cross Of Lorraine

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Truthisanarrow08's items158 of 158Frantisek Vizner Art Glass signed with  ?/500 (no #)Yoruba Ibeji Figurine Nigeria / Africa Beaded Jewelry // Cowrie Shells
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (158 items)

    It is 4 3/4 in height. The top opening is 2" wide and the base is 1 3/4".....Vase features include "The Cross of Lorraine" on base

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 14 years ago
      Hi John from Sydney, Australia!
      It looks genuine and bears an early gilt version of the signature: Daum, the cross of Lorraine and followed by the town of Nancy. Nice art nouveau vase with both enamel decoration and gliding of the flowers and "libellule". The dragon fly or "libellule" is a typical motif in the art nouveau. It seems to be flying above/among some flowerrs that I can't make out from your photos. The surface looks to acid etched which puts the decoration further into relief. It would look fabulous lit from behind. Smaller pieces had the gilded mark. Lucky you! How did you come to get it?
    2. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      Still love this one!
    3. Truthisanarrow08 Truthisanarrow08, 12 years ago
      Dont tell anyone but it was a .40 ct find at a thrifty. It was all dusty and dirty. There used to be gilt gold around the edges but it wore off. One of my best treasures unearthed....Thanks again to the 2 of you.
    4. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      Well done, You!
    5. Truthisanarrow08 Truthisanarrow08, 7 years ago
      My First Ever Post........One more Time Mr V
    6. MALKEY MALKEY, 7 years ago
      what billion megadoobie find lovely cameo vase
      i can imagine on a hot dusky day with summer in the air the insects & wild flowers blowing by, with warm breeze softly gently
      caputred in glass forever and a day
      thruthisanarrow08 thanks ever so much for sharing
    7. Truthisanarrow08 Truthisanarrow08, 7 years ago
      Thank you Malkey..........Great Explanation there for this and just in general ..
    8. kyratango kyratango, 7 years ago
      Wow!!! This is a TREASURE!!!
    9. Truthisanarrow08 Truthisanarrow08, 7 years ago
      Thx for enjoying Kyra.......
    10. Truthisanarrow08 Truthisanarrow08, 2 years ago
      Daum Nancy one more time.....Enjoy

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