Posted 7 years ago
(5053 items)
This huge vase is 19 inches tall. is it Capodimonte? What do you think the age is? there's a few nicks here and there but overall great shape. interesting piece i picked up at my favorite junk shop yesterday.
That's just BEAUTIFUL ho2cultcha!!
I love the design w/ the cherubs holding up the vase like Atlas
I think that you have a piece of Italian majolica. It's beautiful!
thank you jscotto, Newfld, and robin!
i think that this is by Alfredo Ciulli - 1920s/30s/40s. That's what Guido Bitossi thinks.
Hey, Guido knows more than most!
yes, he sure does! and he's generous and kind in sharing his knowledge. that's rare these days.