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One of a Pair of Federal Glass Horsehead Bookends - 1930s/50s?

In Art Glass > Show & Tell and Books > Bookends > Show & Tell.
Art Glass5536 of 22787Alfredo Barbini, Murano Vase, Circa 1950-60Monumental Loetz Candia Papillon, Circa 1900
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (5053 items)

    This is a large, clear glass horse head - with a beautiful luster to it. it almost glows wherever it is. it appears to be a cover of some kind. i posted a much smaller one recently which someone here was able to identify. this piece is much larger - and much more beautiful in my opinion.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. TallCakes TallCakes, 7 years ago
      Federal Glass bookends c1950s:
    2. mikelv85 mikelv85, 7 years ago
      As TallCakes said bookends..... I have one too just like it. We have a pair between the two of us :)
    3. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 7 years ago
      thank you TallCakes and mikel! that's pretty funny mikel!
    4. antiquerose antiquerose, 7 years ago
      Beautiful, and Sir TC knows.....I never did find an ID for my Horse head yet, and I looked at Federal too but not anything there I could find
    5. Giasole, 7 years ago
      Hi, I love your piece. Check out Viking (Dalzelt). They made a lot of handmade glass pieces. I believe they went out of business in the 1980's.
      I do not believe it is a bookend, although I suppose you could use it for one.
      Ciao!! Hope this helps.
    6. Giasole, 7 years ago
      They could also be Federal Glass HorseHead Bookends, Circa 1950's. Difficult to find a pair.
    7. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 7 years ago
      thanks everyone!! TC hit the nail on the head in the first response - it is a Federal Glass Horsehead Bookend - one of a pair. i like it as it is and will look for a cool place for it in the nursery this afternoon. thanks everyone!!
    8. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 7 years ago
      I think if this was mine, I'd wanna make a simple, unobtrusive wooden base for it (not unlike what looks like a chunk of green marble it is pictured sitting on?) fitted with a small socket for a little (probably 7w blue x-mas tree/nightlight type) lightbulb...?? ;-) :-)
      But then again, I guess I do have a slightly unnatural fondness for 'things that light up', whether originally intended to or not...?? <lol>
    9. KKK KKK, 7 years ago
      Beautiful Piece of Art

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