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Socony oils air craft porcelian sign

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (462 items)

    Great old Socony air craft sign . I have been looking for one of these signs for some time . There are a lot of fakes out there . These signs are being reproduced In India . This one is the real deal .

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    1. EJW-54 EJW-54, 7 years ago
      Love it, have seen the repro's, it's getting down right scary out there with all those India reproductions flooding the market. ugh.
    2. Gulf99 Gulf99, 7 years ago
      I don’t even look at those signs anymore. It’s really sad that people make those signs and try to pass them off a old and authentic. The coke guide is what I use and only coke signs today. Even there you have to be really careful. 20 years of buying coke and it’s still very possible to get burned. This site has helped me over the years.
      I do like your sign. Congrats.

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