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Old Dresser / Vanity Chair ( Family item ) - SLIPPER CHAIR

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (1467 items)

    ~ Hi CW Gang ~

    Vintage vanity / dresser chair. This was my Granny ( Dad's Mom ) piece of furiture she had in her bedroom. I remember it as a kid and us kids like to sit on it as it has a lower seat that regular chair. This is the original silk material on it from the day it was made. Started to get rough over the years as the ruffle is starting to come off, a few cats used it for a scratching post a bit, but over all I would have to say it must be at least 50 years old. Like I said I remember this as a kid. The underneath is pretty sturdy yet. I do not know if this item is older than that or not. I have just left it the way it was, all original condition. I looked around it on the bottom, and could not see any marks. Could be something under the material -- but I AIN'T touching that. LOL, It still has like twine string looping around the springs on the bottom. Again, all original

    Thanks for LOOKING // LOVING !!

    ~ Rose ~


    **Thanks to MOONHILL for letting me know this is called a slipper Chair, Thank YOU !


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    1. racer4four racer4four, 7 years ago
      Probably horsehair under there. They don't spring these chairs at all now!
    2. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Beautiful chair with a lovely silk cross pattern, what a lovely family heirloom
    3. antiquerose antiquerose, 7 years ago
      Thanks for the ~ LOVES ~

      fortapache // aura // TassieDevil // jscott0363 // Ms.CrystalShip // vetraio50 // PhilDMorris // mikelv85 // Newfld // racer4four

      ....@racer4four - Thanks for the wonderful comment!! You are probably right about the Horse-hair underneath. I do not care if the material is a bit tattered, the original material will stay with it for now. It HAS character !! LOL
      ....@Newfld - Thank you for the beautiful comment !! It is special to have this heirloom, but even more special when others love it too !!
      ....@Ms.CrystalShip - Thanks for the wonderful comment!! No they WERE not grannies kitties, they were us kids kitties ( house cats ) when we were younger. I know shame on us kids for letting kiddies do that...but kids will be Kids. LOL
    4. Moonhill Moonhill, 7 years ago
      The lower chair in called a Slipper Chair. Used to lace high button shoes during the Victorian times.
    5. antiquerose antiquerose, 7 years ago
      Thanks for the ~ LOVES ~ Moonhill, I will edit my title here. Thanks for the info

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