Posted 7 years ago
(677 items)
Out yesterday having lunch and stopped at a shop and found these two Coca-Cola thermometers by Robertson made in the USA . I have my suspicion if there re-pops. Dave (Daddy_Nobucks) I would like your input on these please since you are the Coca-Cola expert on this site. Thank you very much for your help and your comments.
Ok Dave . What do you think ?
These are great! Would a reproduction have the original manufacturer's name like these do?
Love them I have the same one I got years ago I think there original 1960s
These are so awesome Michael!! This sure does bring back good memories. We had one of these nailed to the side of one of our barns when I was growing up in central Kentucky.
Another super display ! love love
I agree with EJW, Michael, they look good to me. I have both in my collection. Nice ones!
Thank you all for stopping by and commenting and showing some love! Have a great week!!
That’s one piece that I’m always confused about. So I just don’t buy any. Those look good like daddy nobucks says.
The bottle thermos are good if marked Robertson. A good rule of thumb is if unit of measure shows both Fahrenheit and Celsius, it's a later/repro version.
I also have one that looks just like these but maker is marked TCA That I believe is original but another one I have is marked MCA and has Celsius also that probably is a repro.
Old or new...they look great.