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Vintage Cast Iron Christmas Tree Stand

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (50 items)

    Found this vintage dusty dirty cast iron Christmas Tree Stand at a local barn sale. It weighs about 20 lbs. Plugged it in and it still lights up!!!. Trying to figure an approximate age and manufacturer. Maybe after a good scrubbing I can find a company name. Enjoy!!!
    Ps I don't advise anyone to power up old electrical appliances without proper repair and inspection.

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    1. fortapache fortapache, 7 years ago
      That is a great find.
    2. clockerman clockerman, 7 years ago
      Ty for the love
      Anything obscure
      Fort Apache
      I keep looking on the internet trying to find a match but it's been tough going.
    3. purvis purvis, 7 years ago
      Very interesting . Never seen anything like that before . Great find .
    4. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      I see a number of them on a quick search in a few seconds. This guy has some similar and may know about yours :,_page_4.htm
    5. clockerman clockerman, 7 years ago
      Thanks for the love and the comments. It is truly appreciated and perpetuates my drive to keep hunting for great stuff.
      Manikin, Caperkid, Official Fuel, Mikelv85, Purvis, TassieDevil, Tigra.

    6. clockerman clockerman, 7 years ago
      Purvis. Thanks for the comment, I have found many images of vintage Christmas Tree Stands but cannot find one with this shape and size. I believe the light bulb sockets on the interior are porcelain and bakelite on the outside. Thanks again.!!
    7. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 7 years ago
      The best clue to date it could be the duplex outlet itself -- seems to me like that 2-prong style with the 'circle' on its faces was common in the 1940's. The cloth wiring and porcelain sockets would also be very typical 40's 'standard electrical parts', although sockets like that are still manufactured today. (and not to disappoint, but I'd also bet the outer rings on the sockets aren't bakelite, simply painted porcelain...if they *are* bakelite, that might be another good clue to look into...?)
    8. clockerman clockerman, 7 years ago
      Thanks for the info Anything Obscure. I think bakelite only because of the smoothness of the outside of the bulb sockets. I was thinking it was 1940s and I still can't believe it out up when I plugged it in. Thanks again.
    9. clockerman clockerman, 7 years ago
      PhildMorris Great link to that website. Very informative.
      I will definitely return to that site, I would like to research a couple of old electric Star Shaped Tree Toppers I recently found. Thanks again.
    10. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 7 years ago
      The outer rings on the light bulb sockets *should* simply 'unscrew' from the metal inner parts of the sockets. If you carefully unscrew one, I bet you'll find it is white (unglazed) porcelain inside... [UNPLUG it first, please...] :-) :-)
    11. clockerman clockerman, 7 years ago
      Thanks for loving my post:
      Anna B
      Peter Drury
      Thanks for stopping by
    12. clockerman clockerman, 7 years ago
      Anything obscure, you were completely correct. I unscrewed the bulb socket and it was white underneath. So it is porcelain. Thanks.
    13. clockerman clockerman, 7 years ago
      Ty for stopping by Leighannrn and Designer
    14. clockerman clockerman, 7 years ago
      Vintagegirl66 th for stopping by
    15. jscott0363 jscott0363, 7 years ago
      Awesome Christmas tree stand! Excellent find.
    16. clockerman clockerman, 7 years ago
      Jacotto363. Thank you for the nice comment. Much appreciated

      Dipeterson thanks for the love
    17. clockerman clockerman, 7 years ago
      Antique Rose. Thank you for stopping by and the love
    18. antiquerose antiquerose, 7 years ago
      That is a really neat Piece!! Can you post a pic of it in low light to see what it looks like? If not that is okay, do not want any electrical issues to happen !!
    19. clockerman clockerman, 7 years ago
      I 'll try low light. Once I figure out what you mean. These photos are in a halfway dark garage without being plugged in. This is a monstrous 20+ lbs with decent color . Pretty special piece I presume. Can find something nearly similar on the web but not exactly this stand.


    20. clockerman clockerman, 7 years ago
      Some new low light pics. Maybe the details will show a little better. Enjoy
    21. clockerman clockerman, 7 years ago
      Ho2Cultcha Always glad to see you stopped by and TY for the love!!
    22. clockerman clockerman, 7 years ago
      Thanks for the love and stopping by
    23. clockerman clockerman, 7 years ago
      RoddyQ. Thank you very much for the love.
    24. bugsbunny, 5 years ago
      I just found one of these. did you ever get any info on it
    25. rlwindle rlwindle, 4 years ago
      I posted this one today.
    26. clockerman clockerman, 4 years ago
      Ty for the love
      I love the one u listed. It’s gorgeous!
      My brother will plug it in if you are afraid.

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