Posted 7 years ago
(62 items)
Hi all
Well I picked this up today from a property that I was surveying which is going to be demolished in a few weeks time. The first question of 'what is it' I can answer to a degree, as I believe it is a vintage BSA 177 air rifle, but beyond that I have no idea. Any help on that score would be wonderful. The second question is, is it beyond repair and fit only for a skip. It's not in great condition, but it does cock and it does fire, although there was about a 10 second gap between the trigger being depressed and it going off, so the internals are obviously messy. If it can be restored, how do you go about it? Would you need to use a wire brush or a brass brush, or none of the above. Could you sand blast the metal pieces? Is it easy to strip apart to do this? Although I have done specialist gun courses with the Royal Navy, I'm afraid vintage air rifles didn't come up at any point, so I'm at a loss.
Anything you can tell me would be great.
My guess is it would cost many times what it is worth to restore it.
I see one place selling one for $550.
Just looked up completed auctions and no one is buying them. One sold for $100.
I agree with fort on the restore question. I believe your rifle is of the 1905 vintage, and i would clean it up as best you can, paint it, and use it for a wall hanger in your man cave.,+bsa+air+rifle&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS760US760&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiq_bjnyu7aAhUcHGMKHTK-DFUQsAQIKA&biw=1093&bih=510#imgrc=ZEHp7Av0mHUfLM:
Even if it's not restored, still a great display piece. Nice gun!