Posted 7 years ago
(5053 items)
I spent almost 3 hours cleaning this tonight. It was so covered in soot! I couldn't believe it when i found this piece - almost black with soot for only $4 today. It is in near perfect condition and very beautiful - at least to me. This kind of old Catholic stuff is just rich with meaning for me - even though i consider myself to non-religious. I'm not anti-religious, but definitely non-religious. But i still appreciate this art work - and the more baroque, the better! can we have a 'religious art' category? or religious icon category?
how old do people think this piece is? there are two hand-cut screws on the back.
This is beautiful! What's it made of?
thanks jscotto! it's carved, polychromed wood.
Beautiful! I imagine it was in a church for quite a long time, considering the soot. I love the incredible iconography.
thanks betweenthelens! me too!
Keramikos, my impression is that it is the world. Jesus died for the whole world and it reminds me of the song/hymn, “He’s got the whole world in his hands”. I might be off, but that is my impression
I agree with Mrstyndall. Literally He's got the whole world etc. etc. You're definitely not off!
The orb and cross represent Jesus's dominion over the whole world - Globus cruciger. A Jesus holding a Globus cruciger is known as the 'Salvator Mundi' or savior of the world.
This is a 19th century piece from the Philippines.