Posted 14 years ago
(759 items)
I bought this bowl in 1973 with a friend here in Sydney. We were both students at university and could not afford the $120 on our own. In those days I was earning $40 a week. We shared the bowl and I was given it by his partner when Tony died. It obviously has lots of memories for me.
It has the R. Lalique mark and No 3224. and is a combo of clear, frosted and sepia-stained glass. I believe it to be from the very early 1920's.
Vet, what a beauty of a piece to hold those memories for you!
Thank you Glasseyed!
Thank you wolcott1
i love meaningful things ;) Nice story, nice bowl!
Many thanks for your kind comment hotkitties!
It's all about the stories these things hold. Thanks for sharing, and sorry for your loss!
And thanks to you too, Esther!
Many thanks to everyone: Esther110, hotkitties, BELLIN68, lndrozdenko, lmpaden, FineLines, scottvez, Glasseyed, mark, scandinavian_pieces, CedarOaks, Budek, ozmarty, vintagemad &Sunshine too!
Many thanks BeauxPurdy!
I really want to get into glass and pottery, but so much of it is from Costco, cheapo Made in China junk, or by someone who took a weekend pottery/glassblowing class. Vertraio, can you recommend any good resources to learn about what to look for in art glass and art pottery?
Go and hunt round some of the antique fairs, antique stores and markets and find out what is available. There are some books available on-line on glass that will show you what is really good. Collector's Weekly has some great information embedded within the postings snd that's for free. General books are great too to get started and you don't need to buy new copies. I regret not having bought books years ago. Some books I just gave away because they were no longer of any use but they are all part of the learning curve. I'd ask this same question to the people here on CW who have items that interest you. But I also use the internet. Victor Arwas did some great books on glass. Mark Hill is writing some good books on modern glass; check out his blog. Check out, the Section there on publications give some great books. I also use my local libraries for rarer books. Her's Some other good informational sites:
Bookmark them.
Thank you! I will!
Many thanks guyfrmatl and flowerrose too!
Many thanks czechman and purpledog too!
mMany thanks miKKo!
Many thanks petey!
great story! I am curious how sharing a bowl worked? you got it one month and he got it the next?
At the time I lived upstairs and Tony lived on the ground floor in the Rocks area. I left Sydney and the bowl behind for many years. I was glad to see them when I returned. It remained with him for the next twenty years. When he died I was given the bowl.
beautiful -- love the pattern
Exquisite! I love the fluid organicity of the design.
Many thanks epson233 and to you too cogito.
Many thanks Hunter!
Really a lovely story!
Thanks again GreatSnowyOwl!
Wow. Beauty.
Many thanks Jan Kees!
wow love the story as wel thanks for sharing
Many thanks artislove!
Hi Vet ... Coupe Gui .... Mistletoe ... Remember it at Xmas time ...
Many thanks bratjdd and mustangT.
Thanks to Steve as well, how are things in Melbourne?
Absolutely beautiful
Many thanks nidionne and to you too Phil!
Many thanks MANIKIN & SEAN!
Thanks yet again TOM!
Thanks for the love VINTAGEFRAN!
Many thanks AIMATHENA!
Many thanks ANTIQUEROSE and belatedly to you too VINTAGEFRAN, my apologies!
Many thanks PARIS1925!
Many thanks ELISABETHAN!
Many thanks ANTIQUEROSE!
Many thanks NUTSABOTAS!
Many thanks MOONSTONE!
Many thanks ICOLLECTGLASS! When I left Sydney in 1975 for Broken Hill as a teacher it stayed safely in Tony's hands. It remained with him and Alex until his death.
Many thanks CATTEANN, PARIS1925 'n ANTIQUEROSE too!
Many thanks AURA !!!!!
Many thanks NOUVEAUDECO !!! !!!! !!!
Many thanks THEDECOGUY !!! !!!! !!!
Many thanks HO2 CULTCHA !!! ! !!!
Many thanks THEDECOGUY & KYRATANGO !!! ! !!!
very deep experience & what wonderful bowl the patina looks smashing
thanks for sharing kevin
Many thanks NEWFLD !.!!.!!.!
Apologies MALKEY !!!
A belated thanks !!!!