Posted 7 years ago
(5053 items)
I found this in the outdoor / garden section of my favorite junk shop in Berkeley today. it was covered in dried mud and it was very cheap. But it's really beautiful and older, i think. It stands just under 14 inches tall and the banding you see is only visible with light passing through it. There are seams, so if it's blown, it's blown into a mold. what do you think? age? origin?
It's an impressive size! Would look great with some calla lilies in it. Have you tested it with UV?
thanks for the comment IronLace. i can't find my uv light, but i'm certain that it is.
Very pretty shade of green
If I am not mistaken, this is a Fenton swung vase, sometimes referred to as a ring optic. The color is Jadeite and I believe it will be UV reactive. The vase is created in a shorter mold, and then removed and swung to increase the height and exaggerate the ring effect in the body.
Nice find. These are not all that common.
thank you welzebub! great info. it did make me think of my other Fenton vases.
i found one here:
I had one many years back that I eventually sold. The price on the one on ebay is beyond insane. I think mine sold for around $75 or so.... That seller is smokin' the good stuff!!! They are very nice pieces of glass though....
agreed, Fenton #1531 AKA: Optic Ring c1920-30s; Fenton name the color jade green; jadeite was a trademark name of Anchor Hocking Fire King, which has been adopted by many collectors for all glass of this color...
Tall cakes is correct. Thanks for the clarification and the vase #. Jadeite is used like the generalized term of Aventurine, and other specific terms now used as "general descriptions".
thanks for the clarification welzebub and TallCakes!