Posted 7 years ago
(1207 items)
Here are a couple of thrift shop finds that came from two estate sales a few years apart. I've had both for several years.
Both turned out to be by a regional artist named Ed Martin of Springfield, IL, In the course of fishing around for his identity, I sent these images to several US glass artists around the country and most were impressed by his work.
The large rectangular piece is not signed. Mr. Martin remembered making it and told me where he would have signed it, so he said he occasionally forgets to sign his work which is the case with this piece.
His work has become much more advanced since I bought these (see his web site). The large rectangular sculpture (18"x15") weighs about ten pounds and I am afraid to hang it for fear it will fall. The plate (16" diameter) was part of a consignment for a business that used them for employee awards. He does really nice work and his newer glass is tempered for display out of doors in all conditions.
Fused glass is hard to do really well, and he sure has. Quite complex design here with an apparently simple result. That takes a lot of creative design.
You are fortunate to have these.
Thanks for the comment racer4four. They were a steal, too, under $15 for the pair from a thrift shop that used to buy whole estates and had a lot of turnover, so if something didn't sell quickly they cut the price until I couldn't resist. I dithered on the larger one for a while, since I didn't really have a place for it, but eventually put it in the end of a console table on the lower shelf so it is visible between the end legs.
Thanks for loving fused glass art pieces aura, Anik, Karen, fortapache, AnythingObscure and Jenni!
I didn't understand proper CW etiquette when I first joined up so going back and doing so belated thanks and response to comments from earlier posts!