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Irridescent Glass Vase by Sherburne Slack

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welzebub's loves1002 of 3067Lalique pressed glass pendant Cerises, France c. 1920J.Jaksch & Ko, Riga 1910
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (5053 items)

    This vase was made by 72 yr old Sherburne Slack in his studio which is in my favorite town in the world - Point Reyes Station. I spend a lot of time there. It's a pretty little vase - much more iridescent than in the photo.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Lovely vase
    2. MALKEY MALKEY, 7 years ago
      charming piece of glass & signed to fabilus background info
      first class pete tar for sharing my jolly good friend
      oh well back to the berlovely nurses patients doctors ott jim psychologist ect lady ladys receptionist chiropodist plus advocate soon'ish
      19.40 pm
    3. welzebub welzebub, 7 years ago
      I lived in Pt Reyes in early 1971, in a farmhouse on Hwy 1...... Crazy times!!
    4. Anik Anik, 7 years ago
      Lovely... how big (or little) is it?

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