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"Bläckfisken" (the Octopus) - Luxus Sweden 1957 - designed by Uno & Östen Kristiansson

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (676 items)

    "Bläckfisken" (the Octopus) ceiling lamp
    Luxus Vittsjö Sweden
    1957 designed by Uno & Östen Kristiansson

    rare chandeliers by Uno & Osten Kristiansson for Luxus.
    the chandeliers feature six opaline glass globes, separated by an elegant star-shaped solid wood divider
    the divider can be moved up and down to adjust the height of the globes.
    them shade's frosted opaline glass gives a soft and warm light.
    the canopies feature one hole for each wire and a brass screw in the middle to fit the canopy tightly to the ceiling.

    the divider measures 60cm
    diameter approx. 68 cm
    the globes with a diameter of ca. 17 cm

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 7 years ago
      A star piece of MCM. Love this!
    2. vetraio50 vetraio50, 7 years ago
      Me too !!!!
    3. Anik Anik, 7 years ago
      Wonderful ceiling lamp! Nice, clean lines, yet plenty of excitement. Really super find.
    4. SEAN68 SEAN68, 6 years ago

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