Posted 14 years ago
(2 items)
I first thought this might have been a Netsuke but have been told by an expert its not as is only has one hole and that comes to a dead end. It has been suggested that it might be a cane or stick top but judging by the small size as the 50 pence piece show it would have to be a small cane. I am also not sure what it is made of but could be ivory. Its a mystery all right.
I have a very similar piece. However, where your piece ends, mine extends into an arm which terminates with a seal. The hand holding the snake forms the handle to be held when pressing the seal on wax. I have been told that it is ivory. Hope this helps!
Yes it does shed some light on it, the hole seems to be lined with wood or waht remains of it, but yes it is small enough to have been used as a seal handle or simlilar. Thank you for your info.
i beleive you have a ivory cane top the wood would have been were the cane was and the ivory carved handle is what you have very neat
Thank you for your comment and info but as I know nothing about ivory can you further help by telling me what to look for if I use the hot needle test.
Thanks again.
Thank you again I will try it.