Posted 7 years ago
(5053 items)
I found the cabinet in the trash a few weeks ago and a friend of mine who has a glass shop traded me an old piece of glass installed for some plants. it took a while to install it in my bathroom, but it's there now. and some photos of my rotating exhibits in my living room.
fabilus pete & your other pieces gorgeous
all the very best malkey
going back to hospital soon to the berlovely nurses patients doctors psychologist psychiatric nurse the receptionists and the ect lady domestics
Great collection & nice pictures, love your new cabinet w/ glass doors so you can see your faves, I have a couple like that
thank you Malkey! i hope it all turns out well and that every interaction is a blessed one!
thanks valentino! i love primary colors, but so many others too!
Nice find! In your third pic, I especially like the center vase and the small blue vase with flowers.
Wonderful find! I love all your collections! It must be so joyful looking at them every day!
Thank you Mrstyndall and Poire!