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My late mother's collection of ceramic wall pocket vases

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (953 items)

    My mother passed away in January this year at the age of 83. She was something of a collector too...she loved going to op shops. Her collecting interests were varied, but mostly involved ceramics of the 1930s - 1950s era. Wall pocket vases were her favourite, & these photos show some of her collection, which I "curated" & arranged. Most of the wall pockets are Australian pottery of the 30s - 50s by Sydney makers such as Pates & Diana. There are also some Japanese ones, & a pair from West Germany. The last photo shows some of her Australian pottery vases - primarily lustreware & drip glazes. A fair few of the wall pockets I bought for her as gifts for birthdays, Mother's Day, & Christmas. Sometimes I just bought for no reason other than I knew she'd like a surprise...
    Now they are mine, a bittersweet gift.

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    1. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 7 years ago
      I'm sorry to hear your mother passed so recently! i hope that the things which brought her joy, also bring you joy.

      you have really great curation skills!
    2. IronLace IronLace, 7 years ago
      Thanks so much, ho2cultcha. It has been a tough time, but I am looking to the memories of better times to carry me through. Her collection means a lot to me. She always let me be who I was, even if that was difficult at times.
      Glad you enjoy the curatorial efforts...I got to hang all the wall pockets over the years as I love getting busy with a hammer & nails!
    3. Justanovice Justanovice, 7 years ago
      Also sorry to hear of your loss, I too have lost my Mother, a year ago this month, she was a little older at 93! I think collecting must run in the family, your Mum’s collection of wall pocket vases are both very diverse and interesting! May they be of great comfort as you move on without her, each one you gifted to her, a cherished memory!!
    4. IronLace IronLace, 7 years ago
      Thanks also, Justanovice, & my condolences to you as well on your loss. Having just gone through Mother's Day last weekend it was tough, as I'm sure you'd understand. Also, the most unfortunate fact that other family members who had little to do with her are now giving me a very bad time because I'm different to them, & that my relationship with my mother was so close...about as close as anyone can be. They resent that very much. She had been housebound for over 3 years & I did everything for her, as well as always being her best friend & confidante. I was her carer at home until one day before she passed, & will be dealing with the trauma for probably the rest of my life, while all they can think about is money. But I know that I did everything I could do, gave my all to her. I do cherish the memories of our time & that she was always supportive of me, meant so much & always will.
    5. Manikin Manikin, 7 years ago
      What a fantastic collection wow . Love love
    6. inky inky, 7 years ago
      Sooo! sorry about your loss IronLace, at least you! have the comfort of the visual and very happy memories with your mother where the others won’t have...a lot of us don’t, which you can sese I include myself in that!..your mother sounds like she was a very special person as you do too!..take care Ironlace!
    7. Justanovice Justanovice, 7 years ago
      IronLace! You were obviously a much loved and wonderful Son!! What you did for your Mother was your greatest gift, don’t let the other family members get you down, they are just not worth it!! Maybe at some point they will realise how badly they have behaved! There is a grieving period and I am sure you will come out the other side with the knowledge that you were her ‘rock’ and hopefully leave the trauma behind you! Best Wishes to you!
    8. racer4four racer4four, 7 years ago
      It's been hard days IL, but I hope knowing your Mum's love and acceptance of you helps, even if the big hole left with her passing seems so dark.
      She has some great wall pockets there; and I immediately noticed the Australian pottery dominance. Companies long gone, hopefully fondly remembered. They all look great hanging there, with their lustrous relatives nearby.
      Looking good yourself there! Very handsome.
    9. Andreamw, 7 years ago
      Lovely and unusual collection. I know what it is to care for a parent as she becomes frail, and passes away--and I consider it a privilege. I like to think your Mother watches over you still.
    10. IronLace IronLace, 7 years ago
      Many thanks, Manikin!
    11. IronLace IronLace, 7 years ago
      Thanks so much for your kind thoughts, inky, much appreciated. Yes, she was definitely someone quite unique, never to be forgotten.
    12. IronLace IronLace, 7 years ago
      Justanovice, I sincerely appreciate your thoughtful words of support. I am seeing a bereavement counselor, & those sessions are helping me get through the hard times. My friends are my real family now.
    13. IronLace IronLace, 7 years ago
      Thank you most kindly dear racer, you are a champion! :-)
      Yes, lots of old Aussie favourites there...I will have to post some more pics of the rest of the collection, there are some nice English Art Deco examples including Royal Winton, & also some very rare Australian glass wall pockets by Crown Crystal.
      And thank you for the nice compliment, I am blushing! :-)
    14. IronLace IronLace, 7 years ago
      Many thanks, Andrewmw. Yes, I feel quite the was the saddest of times, & a terrible struggle, but there was a real sense of pride in doing my best for her.
    15. MALKEY MALKEY, 7 years ago
      you have the the pride the joy lots of love to you & mother
      my ironlace
      night off from the berlovely nurses patients ottjim psychologist psychiatric nurse doctors domestics ect lady receptionists ladys lots of love

    16. IronLace IronLace, 7 years ago
      Thanks so much MALKEY dear friend, yes, my pride will carry me through the darkness & sorrow.
      "When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high, & don't be afraid of the dark..."
    17. truthordare truthordare, 7 years ago
      Just think that the two of you, your mom and yourself were the special ones and you had each other for a long time. That is what the siblings resent now. They finally get that there is no do over, and they missed a wonderful mother.
      Hard not to feel worse with their hostile behavior, but it just confirms how poor of compassion their really are. <<<hug>>>
    18. IronLace IronLace, 7 years ago
      Many thanks for your kind words, truthordare, much appreciated!
      My mother & I were very different people, but we had things in common, like collecting. We could talk about anything. Also, she wanted to be an artist but was unfortunately not able to achieve that goal, whereas I did, & she encouraged me. After my father died 15 years ago we became even closer...she always said it was like having my him back when I was around.
      The other ones had a different father, & it's like we are from different worlds, too.
      The longest I ever went without seeing her was 5 of them hadn't seen her for 5 years, & only turned up when she found out mum's terminal diagnosis. Rather low rent, in my opinion.
    19. herlingo, 5 years ago
      Hello, Just came across your post as I was searching for how to display "pocket vases". Your and your late Mother's collection is very special. I hope you have great pleasure in it. Your photos are lovely and remind me so much of my grandmother's house in Queensland, in the 60s & 70s. I've just started collecting Diana items, I love the colours.
      Take care!
    20. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      Hey there herlingo, thanks so much for finding my post & your lovely comments. So glad that it has been both a source of nostalgia & inspiration. The photos were taken in 2018, & by the end of that year the house had been sold & the collection packed up. I did end up selling most of the wall vases (as much as I loved them, I also have a huge collection of art glass, so something had to give) & have kept a few favourites. I felt it was far better that they went to new homes where they'd be displayed & enjoyed rather than being packed away in storage.
      Hope that your collection goes well, & look forward to seeing it!

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