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Art Glass Clown

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Art Glass6212 of 23535French opaline decanterGEBRUDER FUNK - step vase
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (309 items)

    For lack of a better term, I'm calling this my Tomato Clown. I've done research on this and have found that Murano made some versions of these, although I found no other examples that had a shoulder ornament. The bottoms of the feet are interesting in that they have a stamped pattern, similar to a waffle. Hoping for some opinions as to maker and era.

    6" Tall
    4" Deep
    5" Wide

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    1. MALKEY MALKEY, 7 years ago
      thats so much fun & colourful brighten all days up
      first class deano my jolly good friend
      fabilus bank holiday
      all the very best malkey

      back later to berlovely nurses hey dude patients ottjim psychologist psychiatric nurse doctors domestics ect lady receptionists ladys lots of love
      fabilus piece
    2. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Cute and colorful!
    3. Deano Deano, 7 years ago
      Feeling the "Love it" clicks from MALKEY, Newfld, Mikelv, Vetraio and Fortapache. Much obliged.

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