Posted 7 years ago
(5053 items)
i found this little statue the other day. It's beautifully hand-carved in minute detail. It's been glued to theis little vase stand and the glue has turned all gross yellow. wish i could get it off. it's a cool little piece for $1!
Is It Bone or Ivory - How to Tell The Difference Between Ivory and Bone
Difference Between3
Published on Oct 18, 2016
If the needle goes in, it's plastic; If not, it's probably ivory, or at least bone. Says that one of the easiest ways to distinguish between ivory and plastic loop to inspect the differences in the surface structure of plastic and ivory. How to tell if ivory is genuine or not includes pics . Ebay , if the needle goes in, it's plastic; If not, it's probably ivory, or at least bone. Says that one of the easiest ways to distinguish between ivory and plastic loop to inspect the differences in the surface structure of plastic and ivory another surefire way to tell between bone and plastic versus ivory is to take a needle and burn it with a lighter until it's red hot. Then take the needle and touch after little experience it is easy to tell the difference between resin and ivory. Cold then it maybe real, a very similar test is used to tell glass buttons from plastic in some ways ivory is very similar to precious metals and gemstones. These materials are usually some type of resin plastic and are almost always molded this article discusses how to distinguish ivory from bone. Solid, weigh it, then compare its weight to similar items that you know to be ivory. You not want to try the hot needle test until you know for sure that what you have is not plastic most fake ivory is made up of either plastic or a resin of old ivory that is ground down the hot pin test can help you determine the difference between plastic, synthetic, bone and ivory. A hot needle can not penetrate real ivory like it will a plastic or resin. Your statue looks very similar to this imitation ivory made of resin. How to identify ivory versus bone or plastic. In addition to the dramatic difference in value between genuine materials and synthetics, it is important to know how to distinguish between () bone, () ivory, and () if a thing is white plastic or bone, it is often called 'ivory. There are other factors too in the difference between old antiue scrimshawed ivory and the modern fakes 'tusks , between and , dr. Leo h. Baekeland was conducting experiments to create a varnish. He was using phenol and formaldehyde, , . Here's more goodies, ivory is more dense and heavier than plastic. Plastic will feel is there a difference between that and ivory under black light? as to the bone vs ivory vs celluloid, good pictures are usually pretty telling faq c describes the difference between various materials tiles are made of, including the so before we get into bone vs. Ivory, let's learn about. I used to be a model maker, so i long ago learned to differentiate plastic items from items after little experience it is easy to tell the difference between resin and ivory. Cold then it maybe real, a very similar test is used to tell glass buttons from plastic , ivory vs bone there are many products and handicrafts available which are made from ivory and bone. These are at times a bit costly owing to , ivory vs plastic it is easy to distinguish between ivory and plastic. But it is really a hard task to make out a difference when these two are carved a red hot pin will not penetrate the majority of materials unless it is a resin or plastic. It is the worst way to identify ivory and can very likely damage your item plastic is much lighter than ivory or bone but without something for comparison this not help. Also, like glass and stoneware or natural stones ivory will feel , the following is a quick look at telling the difference between ivory and it's fake the most common antique plastic versio
WOW, Wind ! Think I'll wait for the Cliff Notes. LOL!!
wow! thank you windwalker! i'll try it as soon as i find a needle around here....
Rare figurine in the ancestral type of pose, sitting on a chair with all the status symbols of a Chinese emperor, hat and robe with dragon face on chest. Can't say what material it is.
te he lucas...
ho2cultcha, how did you make out...
I have the exact same statue, with a female as well the stand is the same I think