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Coca-Cola cardboard sign “Refreshment you go for” with Kay Displays Frame, 1944

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (19 items)

    This is one of my prized possessions. I found it in my favorite picking spot a few years ago. The seller had found it in someone’s attic being used for insulation!!! For me it is classic Coca-Cola from the Golden Age of their advertising catalogue (1930s-1950s). The sign is in the larger horizontal format (27 inches x 56 inches) and reads “Refreshment you go for” in gold against a deep green background. A beautiful all-American girl rides a bicycle with a six pack of Coke in its basket. The bottom left corner is marked “Copyright 1944-by the Coca-Cola Company”. There are some flaws, including a small hole near the front tire of the bike as well as some cracks and minor creases, but for a 70+ year old piece of paper, I’m fine with it. By a minor miracle, the dealer found an original Kay Displays frame in a nearby town at the time I bought the sign and I was able to get it as well. The frame is stamped “Property of Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Designed and Manufactured By Kay Displays Inc. Grand Rapids, Michigan, MADE IN U.S.A.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      This is a really lovely 40s Coca Cola poster, your frame looks great with it
    2. BroncoMan BroncoMan, 7 years ago
      Thanks Newlfd, I’m very proud of it. Coca-Cola cardboard is my niche.

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