Posted 7 years ago
(1207 items)
Good day today. A 1920s Eagle wall mount oil lamp with wall bracket, a cut crystal salt and pepper set with silver caps, a pair of nice small signed pots and this behemoth. I am definitely no expert on crystal but I have quite a few pieces because I like crystal. I've never seen anything like this piece. Maybe it is a well known pattern and someone can educate me. It is 5 3/8" h x 7 3/4" w and the foot is 2 3/4 inches in diameter and protrudes about 3/4". The rim of the bowl is about 3/8" and the walls of the bowl seem to thicken slightly toward the base. It weighs 5 lb 9.5 ounces. It is a big hunk of deeply cut glass. It has an amazing ring that lasts about 5 seconds. It appears to be a fairly old piece and there is significant random scratching to the foot. I can't find any marks on it. Does anyone know who made this?
Thanks for the loves aura, fortapache and Tassiedevil!
I finally got a battery for my scale and this weighs exactly five pounds. So much for my powers of estimation! Still not found anything information on this bowl or anything similar to it. It might be a one off.
Thanks Jenni!
Its either an Orrefors "thousand windows (?)" Or the Godinger Shannon crystal knock off, of which I don't know the pattern or name. If you know Orrefors, you'll have already checked the foot for the artist and design number. The Godinger is exactly the same, only its moulded and has faint seams and usually more inclusions, like bubbles. Also, the color is lacking. Same amount of lead, but it is shocking to see the difference between moulded and cut crystal side by side. I know I'm late, but I hope this helps!!
Thanks for your information and comments Mae76! My guess would be knockoff, as if it had had a signature, I would have found it. I didn't notice mold lines but there could have been. I still have this but it is put away right now. I recall that it made a nice "ringing" sound when flicked...
I should dig it out and get better images...
Actually, after closer inspection, I believe it IS an Orrefors. The Godinger bowl doesn't have the same kind of pedestal foot. This is a Thousand Windows piece, regardless of whether you have a signature. I would bet $50 on it. Check if you can find any faint adhesive residue on it where the label would be, and if you can determine the shape of the sticker. That should help. Also check if there any bubbles or seams, and I can't wait to hear what you find when you dig it out again!
I dug it out, Mae76, and took new images. My old images were with a really good point and shoot pocket Panasonic camera that to my sorrow died some time ago, so I now use my phone camera for all of my images. I bought new, fancy, expensive Panasonic in the shape of an old fashioned SLR and hate it. If I ever become a rocket scientist I may learn to use it. It is cloudy here today, so I am reduced to using artificial light.
Anyway..... There are no mold lines. There are maybe a half dozen pin head bubbles in the glass. There are some weird lines in the glass bowl which I though were scratches but I cannot see or feel anything with a finger nail. I think they are in the glass. The bowl appears to be in great shape, no external scratches or chips.
There is a horizontal line which runs around the base. I do not know what caused it. It does not appear to be a mold line and is very smooth and rounded. The bottom is even more scratched that I remembered. It either got moved a lot on unclean surfaces or is very soft glass, or both.
I hope this helps! Thanks for taking the time to take another look.
The foot on this bowl looks pretty different than that which I see on bowls on ebay..... Wait a minute.... I did find one signed bowl with a similar foot...