Posted 6 years ago
(1 item)
Both have small marbles/rocks inside to rattle like a bell. No idea what they are or what they were used on/for.
Handmade Bell |
Cooper1109's items1 of 1 |
Posted 6 years ago
(1 item)
Both have small marbles/rocks inside to rattle like a bell. No idea what they are or what they were used on/for.
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My first WAG is a Livestock Locator Collar? Maybe for a goat.
The one on the right, especially, would be nearly impossible to fit around an animal's neck (unless they are turkey bells and go over the head). It appears to be forged iron. The arms with the rings completely overlap one another and there is no indication of the arms, or the solid connecting part at the opposite end, having been bent open and then bent back to fit around anything.
Some dimensions would be nice.
Added pic to help with size
Perhaps ankle bells. But as stated, dimensions will help !
You could be onto something slackjack, as they look very similar to Slave ankle rattles? Question to the OP: Where do you live, as far as Country and or State in USA? Where did you get these, ie. field find, antique shop, etc. etc.?,+metal,+slave+ankle+rattles&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS760US760&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjg9ICCnMzbAhXZHzQIHT6LCZ8QsAQIKA&biw=1093&bih=510
Found in Pennsylvania. Previous owner was a collector who passed away
Pennsylvania would make sense as to my ankle rattle guess, but just my guess.
Ankle rattles: yes. Slave: No.
They are identified elsewhere on the 'net as Yoruba ankle rattles, from Nigeria. They were worn by dancers.
Why does everything Black have to be slave-related and every old tool from the Civil War? Oh, yeah. I forgot. It's because it makes them worth more.
Ron, How the Hell do you know they are Not Slave Related? In my answer i said "My Guess", then you say point blank "NO"! But as usual, you have no examples to show us, why is that? Are you the smartest person in the World, and Just Toying with the rest of us? You wanted my attention, and now you have it!
Yeah......swat I mean. Yoruba. And every tool is Model T Ford!
Can you direct me to "elsewhere on the 'net"? Because I can't find anything remotely close under Yoruba rattles. On the other hand I found the exact same item in books, published papers, even museum exhibits as a slave rattle. I doesnt matter either way, I was just curious. But nothing irks me more than someone claiming to know something 100% sure when they offer nothing other than their opinion. Id love to talk about world religions with you sometime lol