Posted 7 years ago
(83 items)
It is nice to discover tangible collectibles on the off-beaten tracks. In the 1950's Allyn Sales did a brisk business with their model airplane engines (K & B) and their chrome airplane ashtrays (Allyn Sales). One of their many popular ashtrays was the Convair CV-240-340-440 family of airliners as these were supplied in both commercial and military versions.
It was a treat to discover the cover art of the May 23, 1953 issue of COLLIERS Magazine The cover art shows a painting of a father in the Air Force building a model airplane with his son watching the process. Dad enjoyed his cigarettes and under his right elbow, sure enough, is an Allyn C-131 (AF version of the 240)!
I show the same model in its typical commercial markings for reference.
Another beautiful vintage model airplane, you sure have some beauties. Very amusing Colliers cover, "a cinch to assemble" with frustrated dad scratching his head
Great ash tray-- the cover art from the era really makes this piece.
Thanks all. I have been trying to figure out what his son is holding? Probably some innocuous item like the tube of glue but back in the 50's kids had easy access to fireworks and blowing up model airplanes was a common event. Almost looks like an M-80 with the fuse hanging down the backside.
Yep-- I'd say he is holding the tube of glue. At first I thought it was a lighter, but the only thing that really makes sense is glue.