Posted 7 years ago
(3484 items)
Picked up this Saturday Evening Post Collector as it looked a lot like Johnny West. See photo #4 and judge for yourself. The father in the painting even has the same tobacco tin hanging from his shirt pocket that Johnny West has. It is a good painting anyway and fits in well with my Johnny West Collection.
The cover is from 1944 and Johnny West started in 1965. Probably it is just a coincidence but then again perhaps not. The boy is a brown haired Jay West, normally Jay had blond hair but once again I think it is a close match.
In the meantime the P51 Mustang had a pen named after it. Better than the P38 Lightning which had a can opener named after it.
You live and learn.
They match really well and look great together.
Thank you very much vetraio50.
Thank you very much dlpetersen.
And thank you very much Thomas and yes he was.
Thank you
Thank you Caperkid.
Reminds me of The Rifleman with his similar shirt !
Thank you very much Phil. Does look a bit like Lucas and Mark McCain.
Thank you mikelv85.
Thank you fattytail.
Awesome! I love how you positioned the figures just like the ones in the painting, and yes, it looks just like them. Great Parker 51 ad, too!
Thank you very much betweenthelens. Glad you liked them.
Thank you SEAN68.