Posted 7 years ago
(436 items)
Happy and very amuzed by my latest kyratisation :-D
I bought from France (minuscule shipping cost!) for very cheap this cuff...
You can see on pic 2 a big lack in the repoussé openwork decor.
After searching in my bits and bobs "in case of" box, and finding nothing convenient to complete the lack...
Crazy idea came to me...
Crinckled a bit of it, cut to fit, held in place with "JudiKins Diamond Glaze" as glue, patinated with the now famous permanent markers, then another slight layer of diamond glaze to coat the color!
10 minutes project, hours of laughthing to come when I'll tell friends what I used :-)))
Very imaginative and clever, well done task...... again.
Beautiful cuff, wonderful inventive repair - fills in the space no problem! That deep sapphire blue stone is gorgeous & quite mysterious like deep water, and love the silver filigree, congratulations on a good price too
Wow, how ingenious!
Another great transformation. Aluminum foil? Smart, smart lady. Love it!
Oh Alan, thank you for another kind comment!
Jenni, many thanks for your appreciation and poetic comment! The stone is a flat old lapis, rather shattered but so complementary to the design!
Mrstyndall, Ken! Many thanks :-) It is only a "cosmetic" repair, even if resistant :-)
Gillian, thank you for your appreciated comment on the "mac-gyverisation" ;-))
Love back to all of you, 10 lovers :-D
I giggled at the pride you showed in being so inventive!!! You are a very clever little Vegemite Pascale (that's a compliment here in Aus) :)))))
Whatever works is a masterpiece in your case !~
Lol, Karen, I'm giggling myself ;-) Thank you for your Vegemite compliment :-D
Phi, Bonnie! Your comments are spoiling me... THANK YOU, XO
Brilliant blue stone! Beautiful bracelet and beautiful work!
Awww, thank you Betweenthelens :-)
But of course you used foil!!! haha great job! So your glue or glaze made it hard as well??? OMG you just gave me a perfect idea! I hope it's not to late! I'll be back to show you soon!!! gotta go
I wasn't too late. I snagged it up! Something I wanted badly as it's Kingman Turquoise or possibly Sleeping Beauty. They are both so pretty and bright blue. It's an old one too. And just to let you know what I tried a while back, was I put foil under a crystal that fell out of it's setting. It worked ok, have you done that too? I'm sure you have but perfected it! Thanks Kyra...will be back!
Wow, you are the MASTER of Repairs !!!
Wow, thank you Rose :-D this is only a "cache misere", lol!
Hi kyra! So now I see where I got the idea of foil. But... I was foiled. haha it didn't work for me on my bracelet. My fingers don't work like they used to! Do you know they can lazer that now?!?