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Military and Wartime1531 of 7283Military itemsFranco-Prussian War.  Veterans
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (177 items)

    These photographs are from my dad's personal collection. He carried a camera and typewriter throughout WWII. They are dated June 1944. Children of Normandy. The day the Yanks came to town.

    Military and Wartime
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    Old Rare Vintage Antique Civil War Relic Confederate Canister Shot Appomattox VA
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    1. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Beautiful photos that tell the story of France's liberation - the shot of the children is especially poignant, the stoic little fellow whose eyes have seen too much in his young life. Thanks so much for sharing these
    2. Manikin Manikin, 7 years ago
      Such amazing priceless photo's and how fortunate that they were saved and can tell a story of that time during WWII . Love your post and thanks for sharing it
    3. BlackWatch BlackWatch, 7 years ago
      Very nice photos.
    4. Gillian, 7 years ago
      Two of the children have clogs on.
    5. mareredware mareredware, 7 years ago
      thank you all for appreciating the significance of these photos. I look at those faces and wonder what became of these children. Their shoes look well worn. What did it feel like to see the tanks roll in with the Americans. My dad befriended quite a few folks and kept in touch by letter until he passed. There is a photo of a soldier holding a pup. Dad told a story of a dog his troop adopted and some mean spirited guy threw hot water on the dog. Dad punched him out. I wonder if this is the dog? Oh, I am adding a photo of my dad, the war time photographer and all around great guy. His children always believed that he single handedly defeated Hitler!! ;)
    6. mareredware mareredware, 7 years ago
      thanks to Caperkid, Newfld, SpiritBear,Blunderbuss2, Manikin,pwcollector.Anik. bobby725.vetraio50, fortapache. TassieDevil, BlackWatch, and valentine 97! And thanks for all the great comments from Newfld, Manikin,Blackwatch Gillian and valentine 97. I enjoy sharing my treasures as well as seeing yours! Life has been so busy lately and I've not posted as I did in the past. But I do enjoy this group.
    7. mareredware mareredware, 7 years ago
      hello RonM, Mikelv85 and Windwalker. Thank you for appreciating my dad's pictures from WWII. My dad passed away at the age of 62. I was a young mom with very little interest in a war that ended before I was born. Now I wish so badly I had paid attention to the stories that went with these awesome photographs.

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