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Létang Fils Antique Chocolate Molds

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (70 items)

    I initially purchased these to sell in my shop but couldn't part with them so I returned to the antique mall where I found them and bought more to sell. I think you'll agree with me that the detail is absolutely spectacular in these pansies and oyster shells molds. The molds are probably antique- early 1900s, and since I'm unsure of the metal composition and not a chocolatier either, I'm going to be displaying them rather than using them. Létang Fils has been in operation since 1832 and is a famous and well-known company. You can see in the second and fourth photos the mold numbers and the company name and Paris address.

    I hope everyone has been well. I've been absent for a while with it being the end of the school year (My son will be a high school junior in the fall.) as well as preparing for the summer. We have my stepson and his family coming to visit, a party for my son's viola playing friends from the school's symphony orchestra, and preparations for my son's month long camp, which involves a 1200 mile bike ride to Nova Scotia. Additionally, my husband and I are going to Paris for 10 days so I've been incredibly excited about this!

    Happy Summer!


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    1. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Hi Laura, I just knew you were taking a summer hiatus, and good for you! These molds are really great, none are better than making beautiful chocolate shapes than the Europeans, these remind me of the Belgian type. Have a wonderful summer & can't wait to hear about the Paris trip - luv J
    2. betweenthelens betweenthelens, 7 years ago
      Hi Jenni! So glad you like these molds! Thank you for the kind words. I'm hoping to catch up on your wonderful posts and those of our other CW friends. I've missed it here! xoxoxo

      Thanks so much for the love, Jenni, Tigra, Mrstyndall, vetraio50, and Adele!
    3. Caperkid, 7 years ago
      My mom made homemade chocolates at Xmas.. mmmmmm chocolate.
    4. betweenthelens betweenthelens, 7 years ago
      Roy, thank you for the love! Homemade chocolates! I agree: mmmmmm!!!! I am such a chocolate snob. I love the stuff but only certain kinds, and when my son was around two, I turned him against Palmer chocolates (found in stores around Easter time) so that he expected Lindt rabbits in his basket! I also love Hershey's but don't care for Nestle. Go figure.
    5. betweenthelens betweenthelens, 7 years ago
      Thank you for the love, fortapache and blunderbuss2. Much appreciated.
    6. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      Have a great summer Laura, and hope you love Paris. I love these molds. Sometimes if I like the mold enough I will make more "positives" by coating with oil and using car body filler to make them. These really appear to be keepers !~
    7. betweenthelens betweenthelens, 7 years ago
      Hi Thomas! Good to see you and thank you! All is great! Hi Phil! Thanks so much! I am going to try the filler idea! Thank you for that. And I already love Paris in advance! ;) I've never been, but I love it, and I already want to go back, if this makes sense! So glad you like these, Ken! Thank you!

      Thank you for the love, Thomas, Phil, Ken, sanhardin, MountainGirl, Longings, and truckn20.
    8. betweenthelens betweenthelens, 7 years ago
      Thank you for the love, leighannrn!
    9. Caperkid, 7 years ago
      Cadbury is my favourite. And I'm with you on Nestle. Milk chocolate and dry roasted peanuts, were my favourite homemade. She still sends them at Xmas. The mold looks like a peanut.
    10. betweenthelens betweenthelens, 7 years ago
      Roy, I like Cadbury milk chocolate a lot, especially the kind with fruit and nuts. Are you a fan of PayDay candy bars? I think Hershey's makes them. The peanuts made me also think of my husband's penchant for a bottle of Coke with a handful of salted peanuts dropped into it. Have you ever had this?

      Thank you for the love, farmlady, usedcarlady, egreeley1976, Pascale, officialfuel, Lisa, Hunter, crswerner, and Neighborguysfan. Much appreciated! So glad you like these molds!
    11. worthit2, 7 years ago
      Thanks for sharing 'never seen before' chocolate molds! They are Sweet like Chocolate:)
    12. AnnaB AnnaB, 7 years ago
      Hey Laura, hope you and yours are well! It's been awhile since i stopped by CW, and I see that you as well. This summer hasn't been easy in Hudson Valley for sure. Hope that everything is all right up in your neck of the woods.
    13. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Laura I hope you still receive CW emails and that this finds you and your family well and virus free. Only you can understand what we in NY have been going thru, seems like every day is a new restriction (homebound, wearing masks, it feels like nuclear fallout on Long Island), this has been one hard haul and fortunately self & hubby are healthy tho we get on each others nerves at home. Miss you & hope U R still collecting, stay well - luv Jenni
    14. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 5 years ago
      Wowwwwww fantastic! So beautiful you could hang them up as art. Would love to have something like it. Also tempting to make your own chocolate.

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