Posted 7 years ago
(1 item)
I’m very new with trunks and I came across this one today. I’m hoping to give it some love and see how it turns out. I can’t seem to find many trunks online with the same types of leather design work on the top. I would appreciate any information you all can share about this trunk. Thanks!
You're at the right site. We have a number of trunk specialist. Hey, Greendog, Trunkman ! Clean-up in isle 2. Welcome to CW, aka, CyberAsylum.
This is a very lovely 1870’s - 80’s antique trunk. Leather covered trunks of this time period often had scrolled leather in much the same pattern as yours so typical for time period. This trunk will refinish beautifully as those brass rivets will make a nice contrast. Most of the leather on this is unredeemable so stripping it off is a good option. Hope this helps...
Ps. A few unusual features on this.. the WHLB stamped on the slats May be the makers initials... something I’ve not seen before. The dome shape top is also a rare form. The handles on the end are also unique but they may have been later additions.
Bb2 thanks for the heads up on isle 2 :)
Thanks so much Trunkman and Bb2!! I really appreciate your info and insight. I’m excited to get started.