Posted 7 years ago
(202 items)
Today I went to my one of my favorite thrifts and the owner had 3 big bags of brooches. I was told to look and pick whatever I liked. I purchased all of these brooches for $40. I was so excited, they are so beautiful!
Beautiful assortment to add to your collection! I made out a couple good designers, RJ Graziano on the rose, and Hattie Carnegie on the fleur de lis, love the ladybug, hydrangea & fish in middle. All lovely & colorful brooches, kudos on a great find!
Thank you Newfld and Valentino. When you get to know the owners/managers, they tend to look out for what you like. I love brooches and thought I would need oxygen because I was hyperventilating at so many choices. My favorite is the white flower.
Yes Ms. Crystal, I couldn't believe my luck! I still have more. I have been collecting for over 20 years. Eventually, I will have to give some up so that I can keep collecting.