Posted 14 years ago
(1 item)
Wondering if you could give me some info on this item? It's what I presume to be a "smoking stand" as far I can tell. It was given to me by my grandfather who's parents left it to him,so I imagine it has some age and maybe value as he is closing in on 80. Haven't found much info on the net on this particular stand,but have seen a few of the ashtrays which this one has. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
You're definitely right about that being a smoking stand (with the right cleaning tools it could be a beautiful one, too!). I can't date it for you perfectly, but judging by that amber ashtray (the amber is a big key) it's from the 1930s to the 1950s. My guess would be on the later era of that scale. Awesome piece, and with a family pass-down like that you can't go wrong.