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German Royal accordion

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (1 item)

    I'd like to know any stories about this type of accordion, it sounds pretty.. I Can Only Imagine it was on some whaling ship singing songs with the crew. if anyone knows anything, when they were made who made them, Etc. please let me know thanks

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    1. OlofZ OlofZ, 7 years ago
      Nice, and in quite playable condition, too it sems! It's a 1-row diatonic, so different notes on push and on pull. Think it was made by the same company that made "Empress Accordeon". Looks very similar. Early 20th Cent. or maybe 1890-1915 or so.
    2. catmurray200 catmurray200, 7 years ago
      Olof Z, I'll look into Empress accordion and see if I can find some more information thank you that was a big help. Keep playing and keep smiling music Is A Healer

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