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Philco Transitone pt-44

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Snowghost76's loves2 of 31940's Art Deco Philco wallbox speaker1957 Philco Model F963-124 Twin Speaker Radio
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (1 item)

    Was my great grandfather's radio he passed down to me a few months before he passed away. It did work but the knob to change the channels has unhooked. You can still turn it on and change the volume but I can't get music until I get the knob repaired.

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    1. CWcollection CWcollection, 7 years ago
      I used to repair or restore these old tube radios .Be sure that the power cord is not cracked or hardened. The innerds have high voltage like about 200 to 300 volts , but there is no danger unless you remove the metal chassis from the case.
      You can remove the knob from the on/off - volume control and use it to tune the stations in. Works on AM radio stations. Mostly talk shows or religious transmissions. Some music in some areas.
    2. CWcollection CWcollection, 7 years ago
      One worde of caution. Some of the old capacitors can short out and the radio would not work very well. I always replaced the capacitors, just to be safe and have good fidelity. I do not think they would catch fire, but if they go bad it might stop playing or not sound too good.
      Also sometimes the tuning adjustment knob is connected to the tuning device with a string that loops around the knob shaft then up around the tuner capacitor. The thingy that has a bunch of aluminum finds.
      Let me know how it turns out.

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